Chov morčiat vonku
Chov morčiat vonku
Určite, morčatá možno chovať aj vonku, ale je potrebné dodržiavať určité podmienky, aby im to neublížilo. Ideálna teplota by mala byť minimálne 5 stupňov Celzia počas celého dňa aj noci. Morčatá, ktoré sú zvyknuté byť dlhodobo vnútri, by som neodporúčala presunúť von, pretože by to mohlo spôsobiť problémy so zdravím. Osobne som tento letný čas umožnila mojim morčatám pobyt v ich "morčacom dvore" vonku. Zdajú sa byť šťastné a spokojné. V noci sa navzájom hrejú a nevyžaduje si to, aby im bolo zima. Obzvlášť si vychutnávajú prechádzky po tráve. Ak plánujete pustiť morča von, je dôležité zabezpečiť mu ochranu pred prievanom, prílišným horúčavám alebo chladom (ideálne je miesto s polotieňom). Bez ohľadu na to, či sa morča chová vonku alebo vnútri, je dôležité venovať mu rovnakú pozornosť a starostlivosť.
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thanks, interesting read
Amusement park Kathmandu
NencyStito,13. 3. 2023 18:25
Amusement Park Kathmandu
Kathmandu Park is located in one of the most popular areas of Mallorca - in the southwestern resort of Magaluf. It is built in the form of an upside-down Tibetan-style house and is filled with all sorts of modern technologies, immersing you in a world of fantastic interactive adventures.
Amusement park Kathmandu
NencyStito,13. 3. 2023 17:54
Amusement Park Kathmandu
Kathmandu Park is located in one of the most popular areas of Mallorca - in the southwestern resort of Magaluf. It is built in the form of an upside-down Tibetan-style house and is filled with all sorts of modern technologies, immersing you in a world of fantastic interactive adventures.
Amusement park Kathmandu
NencyStito,13. 3. 2023 14:15
Amusement Park Kathmandu
Kathmandu Park is located in one of the most popular areas of Mallorca - in the southwestern resort of Magaluf. It is built in the form of an upside-down Tibetan-style house and is filled with all sorts of modern technologies, immersing you in a world of fantastic interactive adventures.
Amusement park Kathmandu
NencyStito,13. 3. 2023 11:15
Amusement Park Kathmandu
Kathmandu Park is located in one of the most popular areas of Mallorca - in the southwestern resort of Magaluf. It is built in the form of an upside-down Tibetan-style house and is filled with all sorts of modern technologies, immersing you in a world of fantastic interactive adventures.
Amusement park Kathmandu
NencyStito,13. 3. 2023 2:10
Amusement Park Kathmandu
Kathmandu Park is located in one of the most popular areas of Mallorca - in the southwestern resort of Magaluf. It is built in the form of an upside-down Tibetan-style house and is filled with all sorts of modern technologies, immersing you in a world of fantastic interactive adventures.
Black caviar not in a jar
KendyStito,8. 3. 2023 21:04
In order for caviar to be stored as long as possible, it must initially be fresh
After opening, even in the refrigerator, caviar can lie for a certain time - as a rule, no more than 3 days
There is an option to purchase black caviar not in a jar, but by weight
When defrosting, instead of expensive caviar, an incomprehensible porridge with a fishy smell may appear on the festive table
At home, black caviar is optimally placed in a glass container.
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DariaSar,24. 2. 2023 5:39
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Veľa šťastia všetkým!
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